Did you want to major in Religious Studies? You can by designing your own major.
To be eligible for self-designing a major in Religious Studies, students must
- have a GPA of at least 3.0
- complete at least twelve courses
- at least six of which must be at the 300 or 400 level
- no more than four of which may be completed at another institution
- no more than three of which may be conducted as independent studies
- complete a capstone project such as a senior thesis or senior project
Note that exceptions to the above requirements may be made for students transferring from other institutions.
Students should consult Professor Le Morvan (lemorvan@tcnj.edu) on whether and how to pursue the self-designed major. They will need to define the central purpose and outline the nature of their proposed program of study and prepare a formal proposal including:
(1) a statement of justification and the goals of the major,
(2) a list of the courses that will constitute their program of study, and
(3) a preliminary description of the senior capstone project and the way in which it will serve to unify the course of study.
Each self-designed major proposal should reflect the particular interests of the student proposing it, and a theme developed with the advice and approval of a faculty sponsor. Proposals are approved by the Provost and evaluated and recommended by the Self-Designed Programs Committee. Students are strongly encouraged to submit proposals by the end of their sophomore year if possible.
In consultation with Professor Le Morvan, students may take at least twelve of the following courses as part of their self-designed major:
- AAS 201/African and Diaspora Religions
- AAH 105/Art History 1: From Caves to Cathedrals
- AAH 106/Art History 2: Renaissance to Revolution
- AAH 215/The Arts of South Asia
- AAH 216/The Arts of East Asia
- AAH 217/Arts of the Islamic World
- AAH 232/Introduction to Medieval Art
- CLS 250/Introduction to Greek Mythology
- HGS 210/Introduction to Peace and Justice Studies
- HIS 305/ REL 305 Ancient Christianity
- HIS 307/Jews, Christians, and Muslims in the Premodern World
- HIS 312/Medieval Culture and Society
- HIS 313/REL 313/Medieval Christianity
- HIS 331/Silk and Religion
- HIS 338/Indian Civilization
- HIS 341/Islamic History from Muhammad to the Ottomans
- HIS 342/Modern Middle East
- HIS 357/Religion and Politics in Africa
- HIS 455/Readings Seminars (where the topic has a religious studies component)
- HIS 498/Research Seminars (where the topic has a religious studies component)
- HON 220/African Diaspora and Religion
- HON 230/Islam in Comparative Perspective
- HON 272/Philosophy of Religion (Prerequisite: One course in religion or philosophy or permission of the instructor)
- HON 349/Cities and Sanctuaries of Greece and Rome
- HON 351/An Odyssey in Greece
- HON 362/Goodwives and Witches: Women in Colonial America
- LIT 251/British Literature to 1700
- LIT 317/The Witch in Literature
- LIT 340/The Bible as Literature
- LIT 354/Middle English Literature
- LIT 358/British Literature and Religion: 1550-1700
- MUS 351/Music from 600 to 1750: Gregorian Chant to High Baroque (Prerequisite: MUS 261)
- PHL 250/Philosophy of Religion (Prerequisite: One course in religion or philosophy or permission of the instructor)
- PHL 370/Special Topics in Philosophy (where the topic has a religious studies component)
- PHL 391/Independent Study in Philosophy (where the topic has a religious studies component)
- POL 362/Islam
- POL 357/Middle East Politics
- POL 357/Middle East Politics
- PSY 390/Research Course: Learning Lab (where the topic has religious studies component)
- PSY 393/Independent Study (where the topic has religious studies component)
- REL 100/Basic Issues in Religion
- REL 111/Buddhism and Buddhist Thought
- REL 112/Hinduism and Hindu Thought
- REL 113/Islam and Islamic Thought
- REL 120/Early Judaism
- REL 121/Modern Judaism
- REL 220/Catholicism
- REL 305/HIS 305 Ancient Christianity
- REL 313/HIS 313 Medieval Christianity
- REL 370/Special Topics in Religion (Prerequisite: One course in religion or philosophy or permission of the instructor)
- REL 391/Independent Study in Religion (Prerequisite: permission of instructor)
- SOC 375/Religion and American Culture (Prerequisite: SOC 101 or HON 216)
- WGS 317/The Witch in Literature
- WGS 373/Women & Spirituality
- WGS 374/Ecofeminism